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MIG-MAG torch

MIG/MAG welding torches Austria

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In the welding world, besides needing a generator proportioned to the project, you also need to acquire all the consumables (wire, nozzles, gas, feeding unit cartridge, etc.) suited to the work to perform; each welding needs experience and the right consumables based on metal and thickness.

The MIG-MAG process, also known as continuous wire welding, is one of the most appreciated technologies both on amateur and professional level. This process allows to weld for prolonged periods of time without needing to interrupt the work to re-equip the generator.

With the MIG-MAG process, a metal coil of wire (iron, stainless steel, aluminum) housed inside or outside the welding machine, gets unwinded and pushed through the torch’s cable bundle by the feeding unit, coming out from the contact tube situated on the extremity of the welding torch; the wire comes then in contact with the base material and melts thanks to a series of short-circuits, generating the weld pool.

The amount of wire supplied by the torch for wire welding machine is set by the operator in meters/minute, based on the wire’s thickness and on the amperage.

The amperage (power) is the most important factor concerning consumables (wire, nozzles, contact tube, etc.) and MIG torch in use.

The most used MIG-MAG torches on a hobby level with non-professional multi-process machines are usually identified by the numbers 15 and 25, while the number 36 identify a MIG torch able to withstand longer operating cycles.

There are torches for wire welding machine specifically produced for heavy carpentry, where you need to perform intense operating cycles on high amperages. This type of MIG-MAG torch has a liquid-cooling system that discards the heat from the MIG torch’s cable bundle and handle.

The numbers 400 and 500 identify liquid-cooled torches for wire welding.

Any type of MIG-MAG torch needs the right consumables based on the wire’s thickness and material, because of the strong correlation between these factors and the amperage; consequently, it is essential to properly equip the wire welding gun in order to not incur in any unpleasant setback.

MIG torches are produced with different lengths of cable bundle, to ensure freedom of movement.

The most common sizes are 3, 4 and 5 meters. The one with 5 meters cable bundle is used with high-end welding machines, which have a 4 reels feeding unit system and a wire’s constant delivery not compromised by the distance between welding machine and wire welding torch.

MIG torch for aluminum

To use the aluminum wire you need the right consumables, which means replacing the feeding unit’s sheath and cartridge and the contact tubes. The welding machine is often equipped with a second torch exclusive to aluminum. To avoid delivery problems, the use MIG-MAG torch longer than 3 meters is advised against.


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