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Ground clamp and electrode holder

Welding Ground clamp and electrode holder Germany

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In the welding world, to perform mechanically excellent and aesthetically pleasing grounds you need a welding generator suited to the project and that allows you to ground without interruptions; avoiding frequent stops allows the welding machine to disperse heat.

The welding machine’s accessories are no less important and need to always be in good conditions, in order to avoid dangerous situations (such as a damaged wire with exposed copper) and being able to ground comfortably to get good results.

The majority of welding machines is equipped with ground-clamp and electrode-holder clamp with a cable length of about 2-3 meters, to allow for common grounds; high-end welding machines and the ones destined to industrial use are usually equipped with just the generator, because clients have different needs and prefer to buy a ground-clamp and an electrode-holder clamp with different characteristics.

All the welding machines have TSK connectors to connect the welding ground-clamp and the electrode-holder; TSK connectors have different sizes based on the welding machine’s model.

The most common Dinse connector’s sizes are 25 and 50 mmq; this characteristic determines the generator’s ability to disperse the heat produced during the welding process. Furthermore, it increases the possibility of transmitting higher current.

The most common cable’s sections measure 16 and 25 mmq, and their diameter determines the ground cycle it can support, such as 16 mmq (160A at 60%) or 25 mmq (210A at 60%). Consequently, the ground-clamp and the electrode-holder are graduated according to the cable as well.

Should you need to connect the welding ground-clamp and electrode-holder using cables longer than 10 meters, it would be better to use thicker connectors and cables.

Before purchasing a cable, we suggest thinking about the groundspace as well; for less demanding welding processes, there are cheaper welding ground-clamp and connector-cables with a PVC coating that guarantees a great insulation. But for professional use we recommend Neoprene coated cables, which are more resistant and better insulated.


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