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ALUMINIUM Welding Coil

Aluminium Welding Wire Coils Finland

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The most common process in the professional/industrial welding world is the continuous wire welding. This process is very popular and appreciated on a hobby level as well, because it is the welding method with the highest production yield and it allows to connect the joints with a considerable gap compared to the other welding methods.

It allows the operator to perform very long works without having to interrupt the welding to re-equip the generator and bring it to operating conditions.

The continuous wire welding process with gas protection, besides the high productivity, is considered a clean welding process; with a good adjustment to the generator and the right precautions (spraying anti-stick), the welding seam will have few ledges and be aesthetically pleasing.

The continuous wire welding is also appreciated because it allows the operator to weld a wide range of materials with the same generator.

With the MIG-MAG process, it is even possible to easily weld aluminum-based alloys with good results.

To weld aluminum you need to acquire an aluminum welding coil of wire and an argon cylinder for the gas protection. The common ArCO2 mixture used for the steel and stainless steel welding processes is not suited to protect the weld pool while using an aluminum welding coil of wire.

To get good results and fewer difficulties while working with an aluminum welding coil of wire, it is better to replace the classic sheath with a Teflon one, for an ideal sliding of the aluminum coil of wire, and to acquire the appropriate contact tubes for this material.

An important element to replace when using an aluminum welding coil of wire is the feeding unit cartridge. Replacing the standard component with one suited to the aluminum welding coil of wire will get you a smoother and more even flow of the aluminum coil of wire; this way, during the welding, you will avoid any filler wire delay and drawback, such as the sticking of the wire to the contact tube or its winding to the feeding unit’s motor.

Almost all wire or multi-process generators can be equipped with an aluminum welding coil of wire, but the most suited ones are the high-level welding machines with a four reels feeding unit system. The four reels, unlike the common two reels systems, guarantee a more even and accurate flow to the aluminum welding coil of wire, allowing for an easier welding.


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