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Spray, liquids and surface treatments

Surface treatment of stainless steel India

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In the welding world, both on professional and hobby levels, to get good results you need to have not only a suitable generator and welding torch, but also good consumables (nozzle, wire, ceramics, electrodes, etc.).

The correct use of welding accessories (like calibrated soldering magnets or snap clamps) is no less important and essential to improve the joints’ aesthetics and to get more satisfying results.

One of the most used accessories is the spray for continuous wire weldings; this accessory can usually be found in the form of spray cans.

The welding anti-stick has to be applied on both base material and flaps, near the gap joints or the extremity to weld.

The spray for continuous wire weldings is largely used to avoid welding ledges, namely those anti-aesthetic small bubbles that appear near the welding seam during the continuous wire welding process through short-circuits.

The soldering anti-stick is then used to get an aesthetically better result, restricting or avoiding the phenomenon of the ledges sticking to the base material, thus avoiding the finishing phase that can be difficult because of the welds’ position.

Another type of welding anti-stick is the anti-stick paste; unlike the spray for wire weldings, this article comes in the form of a thick gel. This product has the same function as the spray for wire weldings, but it can also be spread on the joint by using a brush or a sponge.

The anti-stick paste can also be used to preserve and lengthen the durability of the continuous wire welding torches’ consumables; a common practice is to dip the torch’s extremity, to prevent the welding splashes from ruining the wire-guide tip or the protection gas diffuser, which would make the wire’s sliding more difficult thus reducing the nozzle’s life. selected the metal-canned anti-stick paste instead of the plastic one, in order to allow the operator to dip the still hot torch without ruining the outside container.


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