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TIG welding machine

TIG Welders - Welding Equipment Sweden

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TIG Welding Machine

Tig (tungsten inert gas) welding is one of the most common industrial methods, but it is increasingly used for the reconstruction and repair of supports and castings in the automotive field. This process consists in joining 2 parts by using the electric arc generated between an infusible tungsten, or tungsten alloy, electrode and the base material connected to the ground clamp. The weld pool is protected by an inert gas to prevent the glowing metal from being oxidized when in contact with the oxygen in the air.

TIG welding is used in various sectors, especially for the precision and stability of the arc, which guarantees a very high aesthetic yield; furthermore, TIG welding does not cause splatter, and therefore the material adjacent to the TIG welding bead is not ruined or soiled. Consequently, it does not require further finishing operations, unlike other welding processes such as MMA or continuous wire welding.


In the welding world there are hundreds of models and as many brands of TIG welding machines, some of which are intended for professional use with the possibility of adjusting every single welding parameter to adapt the process to the objective of the welder. Some models are equipped with special functions such as spot welding or electrode pre-heating, while others are intended for less intensive use with a simplified control panel. It is common to divide TIG welding machines into 2 large families:

DC tig welding machine: DC means direct current; direct current is suitable for working on mild steel, stainless steel, brass, cast iron, and other ferrous alloys. This type of welding machine generally has a lower price than AC/DC welding machines with the same work cycle and functions; however, if you need a professional welding machine with a high work cycle for intensive work, the price may rise considerably.

Top-Welding offers some models of DC TIG welding machines, such as:

- Esab Rogue ET 200ip PRO

- Lincoln Electric 220TPX

- Helvi Galileo 219HF

- GYS protig 168DC.

AC/DC TIG welding machine: the acronym AC/DC indicates that the welding generator can generate a welding arc with AC (alternate current), in addition to the classic DC arc. Alternating current is essential for working on aluminum and aluminum alloys using the TIG welding process. AC/DC TIG welding machines generally have a higher cost since they allow machining on almost all existing metals. Commonly, the control panel of these generators allows you to modify a large number of welding parameters, since aluminum requires special care and advanced functions.

However, Top-Welding also offers AC/DC TIG welding machines at a reasonable price. Helvi compact 211 easy, for example, has an excellent work cycle and a simplified control panel, ideal for professionals who need this equipment but do not consider welding their main job.

Top-Welding offers various brands and models of AC/DC TIG welding machines, such as:

-          Lincoln Electric Aspect 200 ac/dc

-          Gys Tig Titanium ac/dc

-          Esab Rebel EMP 205ic ac/dc

-          Telwin Technology Tig 222 ac/dc


TIG welding machines designed specifically for this welding process differ from multi-process welding machines due to their trigger mode: normally, professional TIG welding machines allow you to select the welding arc trigger mode between:

- HF trigger: allows the welding arc to be triggered without touching the tungsten on the workpiece; this technology guarantees longer electrode life and avoids pollution of the weld pool by the tungsten wall.

-  Lift trigger: this trigger mode requires slight initial contact between the tip of the tungsten electrode and the base material; it does not guarantee long electrode life but is often used in workplaces where the high frequency may interfere with other electronic equipment. This type of trigger is present in most welding machines that allow TIG welding.


One of the most useful and requested functions in the industrial field is the pulsed TIG welding function; this particular function is usually present in TIG welding machines intended for professional use. TIG welding machines with the pulsed function are particularly suitable for welding thin thicknesses, because alternating two currents of different values, the heat input on the workpiece is reduced and welding is easier: for example, the team of Top-Welding has selected:

Esab Rogue 200ip pro

Gys Protig 161 DC

Helvi Galileo 219 HF



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